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News Letter To CPC Dec 2023


Update and News, December 26, 2023

Greetings and Happy Holidays to all of you. We are looking for another great photo year in 2024, and hope all of you will continue to enjoy and be a part of what we do together.

I think most of you are aware that we had our Annual Christmas / Awards Dinner / Potluck on Monday the 11th of this month. This was our 19th Annual Celebration of the Season, and a true celebration it was. We’ve come a long way in all of the years we’ve been enjoying each other’s Holiday Company. It’s also a time for us to recognize the accomplishments of our many talented artists / photographers, including winning images and points winners in all of our photographic categories. We should also be sure to congratulate Chastaine Kendrick as our total points winner / Photographer of the Year for 2023. This is definitely a noteworthy award that requires a lot of personal work and dedication to the craft, creativity, and science of photography. And again this applies to all who were recognized for their work. Participation in our Competitions is the key, and the way we all can learn from our fellow members.

I want to thank all of you who brought a toy to the meeting for the underprivileged children in our area. It is an awesome way of showing our appreciation to our community and the people associated with Atlanta Communities Real Estate Brokerage who offer us the opportunity to meet in such an incredible facility. You can be sure we helped to make the holiday special for a lot of children.

Keeping tradition intact we enjoyed a print exchange. It’s always fun and exciting to receive a print from a fellow member. We need to also thank John Quinn for creating and sharing a slideshow from our recent Field Trip to Banff Canada. It’s an excellent way to share the experience with all members.

I’m really happy to report that the new website is very close to being completed. Much gratitude to Armetrice Cabine, Martin Longstaff, Allen Quandee, Chastaine Kendrick, Eillene Kirk, and all who worked to make this become a reality. I think you will be impressed with the final result.

I know we fell a little off schedule with gathering and installing some of our photos for display at the office where we meet. So, please consider submitting a couple of your B & W photos for this project. A few things to keep in mind…….Please frame them in black frames preferably with white mats ( black mats are also ok ), and try to keep them a reasonable size……….11 x 14, 12x16, 8 x10, 16x20 are all perfect. Also, if possible try to keep photos from our general area as a theme………..although it’s not required. It would be great to complete this project by the end of January. Let me know if you have questions about the prints and the framing. We’ll start with B & W and move to color later. You can bring your work to the next meeting on the 8th or make arrangements with me to get them to the office.

I think that’s all for now. Please know that you are all appreciated for your participation and keeping our club active and relevant. The fellowship is amazing and the experience is rewarding. Many thanks to all of you…..and Happy New Year 2024 !!!!


December Potluck and Prizegiving

The promise of excellent food and company brought out the crowds to CPC's annual Potluck and Prizegiving.

2023 Potluck and Prizegiving

Held at the offices of Atlanta Communities Real Estate in Woodstock, the event reminded us again what a fantastic community of photographers we have, and also how lucky we are to be able to use these facilities. After a sumptuous meal, we were treated to an excellent animated slideshow of the big Banff trip, put together expertly by John Quinn. The prizegiving followed, and thankfully there was more than one winner this year!. At the climax, our guest of honor Mrs Susan Stewart, presented the new Bob Stewart Memorial Trophy for it's inaugural year. It will be given each year forward to the winner of 'Photographer of the Year'. This year's recipient was Chastaine Kendrick.


Nice to see that there were plenty of donations as well for the Toys for Tots drive. Hopefully our hosts will be pleased 😃

Meetings & Location

Cherokee Photography Club meets twice monthly

on the 2nd and 4th Mondays at 6:30pm.

Meeting location at the offices of:

c/o Atlanta Communities Real Estate

9860 Hwy 92, Woodstock GA 30188
